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Deep Vein Thrombosis

The formation of a Thrombus (clot) in the "Deep Vein" of the leg is called Deep Vein Thrombosis. It obstructs the flow of blood from legs towards the heart. The problem not only causes a lot of pain and discomfort to the patient but can also be a major risk...

Deep Vein thrombosis

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis?

  • The formation of a Thrombus (clot) in the "deep vein" of the leg is called Deep Vein Thrombosis.
  • The human body has two kinds of blood vessels : Arteries & Veins. Generally speaking arteries carry oxygenated blood from heart to body parts and veins carry de-oxygenated blood towards heart.
  • The deep vein of the leg carries major amount of blood from the legs towards the heart. A thrombus in this vein obstructs the flow of blood from legs towards the heart.
  • The problem not only causes a lot of pain and discomfort to the patient but can also be a major risk.

Why, Deep Vein Thrombosis?

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis probably takes place due to changes in the wall of the vein due to injury or inflammation or due to a decreased blood flow during and after operation or debilitating illnesses or due to increased coagulability of the blood due to surgery or malignancy. These are all Postulates.
  • D.V.T. often follows injuries, surgeries and childbirth.
  • The condition may arise insidiously in patients with malignant diseases or cardio respiratory diseases or serious medical conditions like Stroke or Myocardial Infarction.
  • Major surgeries of the abdomen or the pelvic region in the patients of more than 40 yrs. of age can often lead to D.V.T.
  • Major orthopaedic surgery of the lower limbs can also lead to D.V.T.

What are the symptoms?

Massive D.V.T. is characterised by sudden onset of svere pain and marked by swelling of the lower limb.

  • The leg may become red or dusky blue in colour and may be very tender.
  • Dilated superficial veins like varicose veins and low grade pyrexia may also be the signs of D.V.T.
  • Sometimes there are no apparent signs or symptoms except a very slight pain in the calf associated with slight localised tenderness.

What is the treatment?

  • Prevention is certainly better. All patients admitted to the hospital or being treated for serious illness should be assesed for the risk of D.V.T.
  • For the high risk patient preventive measures should be immediatedly taken. Using a Graduated Compression Stocking is the best preventive measure.
  • After it has taken place a Graduated Compression Stocking must be used regularly for improving the venous return and keeping the oedema under control. Medicines can be prescribed by the doctor only after a thorough examination and assesment of the patient.

If left untreated?

  • Left untreated D.V.T. can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.
  • D.V.T. can also lead to Varicose Veins and certain other irreversible changes in the skin and the tissue.
  • If the thrombos gets detatched from the site it can lead to pulmonary embolism.
  • Can lead to Non Healing Venous Ulcers



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