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NORMA Veinoplus

NORMA VEINOPLUS is a 3rd generation electromedical product which activates the venous calf pump to improve the venous blood & lymphatic flow in the legs. It electrically stimulates calf muscles through carefully measured & calibrated impulses to the motor nerves, thus enhancing the venous return...

*Intelligent Electro Calf Stimulator

Significantly reduces pain & swelling in chronic venous insufficiency


  • Norma Veinoplus was invented by Dr Jozef Cywinski, a member of Pace Maker invention team.Dr Cywinski is fellow of the American College of Cardiology former member of faculty Howard, MIT.
  • NORMA Veinoplus is a product from Adrem Technology , France.
  • NORMA VEINOPLUS is a 3rd generation electromedical product which activates the venous calf pump to improve the venous blood flow in the legs.
  • Norma Veinoplus is World's first iECS (Intelligent electro calf stimulator) to achieve normal venous blood flow
  • Norma veinoplus significantly reduces pain and swelling in Venous insufficiency
  • Norma Veinoplus is a pocket size, battery operated, preprogrammed device with self adhesive patented pair of electrodes
  • Norma Veinoplus is US-FDA approved.


All the above mentioned states involve least involvement of calf muscles


  • Norma Veinoplus delivers electrical impulses to the motor points on the calf muscles via self adhesive patented electrodes
  • These impulses are of low voltage and well below the limit of safety
  • These impulses are of low voltage and well below the limit of safety
  • These impulses causes powerful and almost symmetrical calf muscle contraction of each leg
  • The stimulation current flow through the entire leg and part of pelvis but density of the stimulation current is strongest in the region directly under electrode.
  • These impulses activates the muscular aponeurotic pump of calf muscles
  • Activated calf pump drains the pooled blood from superficial and deep veins.
  • Each induced muscular contractions push & carry the blood upward and significantly reduce the time of reflux.
  • The electrical stimulation with Veinoplus emptied temporarily the venous blood from legs, which was accumulated there before putting on the stimulator
  • The electro stimulation with Veinoplus diminish the effect of venous stasis and ensure emptying distal veins.
  • Norma Veinoplus restores almost a physiological venous blood flow in patients with Venous insufficiency & venous ulcers.
  • Norma Veinoplus obtained promising results in healing of venous ulcers


  • During the 20 minutes of therapy Norma Veinoplus produces 1500 effective contractions
  • The elapsed time between each burst changed automatically after 5 minutes during treatment. NORMA VEINOPLUS is preprogrammed to accelerate during each use from 60 BPM for the first 5min of treatment to 75BPM for the following 5min then to 86 BPM for the next 5min and finally to 100BPMfor the final 5min
  • The time of reflux has become negligible (<0.5 sec.) and has not exceeded the time of the ascending flux
  • Norma Veinoplus increases the effect of compression stocking
  • The muscle contraction provoked by electro stimulation of NORMA VEINOPLUS produces similar mechanical effects to voluntary excercise.
  • Bursts repetation rates of NORMA VEINOPLUS are close to cardiac rhythm.
  • The quality of life of the patients was significantly improved after 3 weeks of daily use of Veinoplus
  • One application of NORMA VEINOPLUS provides venous return benefit similar to a 30 minutes brisk walk.

Certifications & Approvals of Norma Veinoplus

  • NORMA VEINOPLUS is US-FDA (Food and Drug Administration)approve
  • Certified with CE mark (Certified European Approval) as a medical device.
  • Approved by American standards AAMI-ANSI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation-American National Standards Institute.)
  • NS4-85 (National Standard) standard for transcutaneous stimulators.
  • IEC-60601-2-10,(International Electro technical Commission) international standards.


  • Venous insufficiency
  • Venous stasis
  • Pain and swelling in legs
  • Venous ulcers
  • Discoloration of skin
  • Heaviness in leg
  • Feeling of tired to easily
  • Prophylaxis of DVT
  • Venous stasis
  • Small varicose vein
  • Prolonged sitting and standing
  • Obesity
  • Patient with immobility


  • Connect the cable to the outlet located on the top of the unit
  • Connect the electrodes to the electrodes end(the one with pins) of the cable.
  • Apply electrodes on central posterial part of calf in symmetrical way one electrode on the left & one electrode on the other leg.
  • Make yourself comfortable as treatment lasts for 20 minutes.
  • Switch on the stimulator by pressing the button.
  • The intensity can be either increased or decreased by pressing (+) or (-) button




37, Electronic City, Sec.18, Udyog Vihar Phase IV, Gurugram - 122 015, Haryana, INDIA