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Pioneers in the field of Compression Garments

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The designs of NORMA Compression Garments have been standardised keeping the medical requirements, technical needs and practical limitations in view. Any change in these will either lead to reduced efficacy or practical problems. Consider the following while selecting the design.

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Always select a standard design from the design options chart that covers 8-10 cm. beyond the affected area and get it made as such. Most of the additions or deletions will either make it difficult to wear the garment or the garment will start slipping from its place. Compression Garments can apply compression only when they cover the area circumferentially.

For problems like Varicose Veins, D.V.T., Filarial Lymphoedema or Venous Insufficiency the preferred designs are the Above Knee designs of stockings. For the Arm Sleeves the "with gauntlet" designs should be preferred for avoiding distal oedema. Jackets are back open as a standard. In exceptional cases front open can be made but not for female patients.

Wearing the compression garments is always slightly different than wearing ordinary garments because of the compression built into them. This often makes one think that a zipper here or there will make the job easier. A zipper will always disturb the compression gradient of the garments. Moreover it will also render the length stretch useless thus making the garment more uncomfortable.However, a zipper can be added if it is absolutely essential.

The wonder called Velcro often fires the imagination of creative people who keep on asking for stockings with Velcro so that they can adjust the compression on their own. It sounds a fantastic idea but only in theory. Please keep it in mind that the stockings are made without velcro closure so that the patients can wear the stockings themselves without worrying about the adjusting the compression.

For NORMA Compression Stockings - FORM A

There are five design options of NORMA Compression Stockings. Design 101 is Below Knee. Design 102 and 103 have suspender arrangement to prevent them from slipping down. Design 113 and 111 are pantyhoses. For Varicose Veins the stockings should be above knee and for Post Burns Hypertrophic Scarring the chosen design must go 8-10 cm beyond the affected area.

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For NORMA Arm Sleeves - FORM B1

There are six designs of NORMA Compression Sleeves. The preferred designs are the ones with gauntlets because possibility of distal oedema is less. Design 105-A and 107-A are for post mastectomy lymphoedema

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For NORMA Compression Jackets - FORM B

These three designs of back open jackets are of the application of compression on the chest and back area. Front open and turtle neck are possible as design choices.

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For NORMA Compression Garments for Lower Extremities - FORM C

There are five designs of NORMA Compression garments for the lower extremity. Options of open pubis and left or right opening are also there.

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For NORMA Post Lipo-Suction Compression Garments - FORM D

NORMA offeres 4 designs of post lipo-suctino compression garments if they are needed for immediate post-op need. They have both side velcro opening for convenient wearing.

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For NORMA Compression Garments for Donor Site - FORM A1

Skin grafting always requires a donor site and thighs are the first choice. Skin from the thighs is taken and grafted at the affected area. It takes care of the healing at the affected area but very often leads to hypertrophic scarring at the donor site.

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For NORMA Abdominal Binders - FORM G

Five designs of NORMA Abdominal Binders are available. The binders give excellent support following surgeries, delivery, hernia and various other problems.

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For NORMA Stump Supports - FORM F

Fitting of the artificial limbs dependent on how well the stump has been shaped. These four designs of stump supports help in shaping the stumps.

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For NORMA Compression Garments for Face and Neck - FORM H

These four design are specially made for applying compression for the face and neck area. The correct design should be chosen very carefully.

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For NORMA Compression Gloves - FORM I

NORMA Compression Gloves are used for application of compression on the hands. The standard design has a zipper on the palmer side for easy wearing. Optionally it can be fixed on the dorsal side also. The product is used for treating Post Burns Hypertrophic Scarring on the hands. In many cases these are used in conjunction with the Arm Sleeves for preventing Distal Oedema.

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